Thinking of selling a property? We have a wealth of information that can help give you a better understanding of anything you might want to know during the process.

We can tell you how much your house is worth with a free valuation. Have a read through the '10 good reasons' why we recommend you should sell your home with Miles & Barr.

Whether you have experience in selling homes or if this is your first sale, our step-by-step seller's guide will tell you everything you need to know along each stage of the process.


If you are seeking help with your finances, have a read of our mortgage advice section and if you can’t find exactly what you want to know or want something explained in more detail, you can book an appointment with one of our experienced advisors.

With any property purchase you are going to need to understand the importance of conveyancing and the success of your purchase can often depend on it. Read more in our conveyancing section and find out all you need to know.

Finally, read through our frequently asked questions, this may save you and us time in your appointments or phone calls, but of course, we are always happy to explain anything in more detail. See our testimonials, they speak for themselves.

Are you looking to sell or rent your property? Get Your Free Valuation in Seconds

Meet our managed, proven workforce

We build long standing relationships, give honest advice and excellent customer service.

Alan Herman

Local Office: 01843 888444 | Email Directly

I was approached by the directors to work for Miles & Barr and I took the opportunity they offered me.

I love working for Miles & Barr because all the people are lovely. We have a great, friendly atmosphere in the Broadstairs office.

In my spare time I like to travel.

Becky White

Local Office: 01843 570500 | Email Directly

I've always been interested in the property market. I like working for Miles & Barr Ramsgate because it is one of the busiest offices and I have great work colleagues who all work hard as a team.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking and being around my family.

Alex Munn

Local Office: 01227 740840 | Email Directly

Property and history in the local area have always been very interesting to me, so when the opportunity came up to work for Miles & Barr it was an obvious choice.

I love the way that Miles & Barr is a local company, formed by young men who are still heavily involved in the business to this date.

I play and watch many sports, football especially and I love spending time with my dog, we always go out on walks.

Ben King

Local Office: 01304 202111 | Email Directly

I chose to work in the industry as I have always had a keen interest in property, and I thought that helping people find the right property for themselves would be very rewarding.

I find that Miles and Barr are a very forward thinking company and often come up with ideas that keep themselves as the leading agents in their towns. Attention to detail is something I appreciate, and I think the company does a great job of making sure we can provide the best possible service to our vendors and applicants.

In my spare time I enjoy taking time away on short breaks in different cities. I used to be a professional golfer, and so I still occasionally dust off the sticks and play, although not as well as I used to!

Adam Mansfield

Local Office: 01227 277 254 | Email Directly

Alice Fridd

Local Office: 01843 231222 | Email Directly